Chocolate Snack
Packaging Design
Creative/Art Director
Luigi Durante
Art Director
Eleonora Galeazzi
Carmen Mitrotta
Packaging design
Drogheria Studio designed the packaging for the chocolate snacks produced by Amedei Tuscany. Amedei Tuscany manufactures artisanal and refined chocolate, known all over the world for its high quality.
They promote a real chocolate culture using old techniques of chocolate processing. Through an artisanal method, Amedei transforms the rarest cocoa beans in the world into real chocolate works of art.
Drogheria Studio wanted to traduce the extreme quality of the chocolate snacks into elegant and fresh packagings. Every color was chosen according to the ingredients of the chocolate bar, combining the features to the palette.
To enhance the color stripes of the snacks and present them to the public, the Studio directed (along with Photographer Carmen Mitrotta), a shooting with colorful papers to match the pop mood of the packaging. The four different snacks are collected in a striped box, coordinated with the same colors.
All projects
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Olga Frua websiteWeb Design