I Carpini
Brand Identity
I Carpini srl
Creative / Art Director
Luigi Durante
Luigi Durante
Elisa Puglielli
Carmen Mitrotta
Gianluca Santoro
Brand Identity
Packaging Design
I Carpini is a winery characterized by a holistic approach. Their vineyard is located on the Tortonesi Apennines, in an uncontaminated context, where the winemakers take care of the ecosystem respecting the biodiversity.
With their brand identity, we wanted to communicate the time, the care, and all the manual skills required in the production process of their wines.
The production process of these wines doesn't follow the standard rules of ageing, in fact, is the winemaker who decides when the wine is ready.
The two circles logo communicates the evolution that wine undergoes, and can also be interpreted as a glass seen from above in perspective.
The logo has four rotations, each corresponding to one of the categories of wine produced by the winery.
The labels have been designed using the stamp technique. For each label, we designed a figure that illustrates the name of the wine and its history. The names of the wines come from poems, so we wanted to visually describe all the romance behind them. These stamps were then inked and pressed on paper and then processed digitally, but without losing the material flavor obtained with this technique.
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