Morsi e Rimorsi
Margherita Cavallo
Editorial Design
Margherita Cavallo
Creative/Art Director
Luigi Durante
Carmen Mitrotta
Editorial Design
The editorial project realised for the visual artist Margherita Cavallo is a catalogue that summarises her six books/objects around Tarantism, a cultural syndrome originating in Southern Italy. Conceived as a limited edition of 100, this seventh volume has been designed with an artisanal binding through a functional and yet aesthetic approach, in order to enhance the role of the images. By flipping through its six chapters (one for each book), the reader finds paper inserts in different formats metaphorically reflecting the layering typical of the phenomenon. This theme is further conveyed by the scanned textures excerpted from the original artworks and by a symbolic use of chromaticism. The lettering dynamism serves the contents, and occasionally reflects the dance and movement implied by Taranta.
All projects
Martesana RebrandingBrand Identity
Baglioni Hotels Italian styleBrand Identity
Martesana – Preserves and creamsPackaging Design
BallyVisual Design
Martesana New pastry shopInterior Design
Martesana Christmas PackagingPackaging Design
Casa Baglioni Brand IdentityArt Direction, Brand Identity
Amedei Bluniverso PackagingPackaging Design
Casa Baglioni Milan Appunti di ViaggioArt Direction
Banchini Parma New IdentityArt Direction, Brand Identity & Packaging
I CarpiniBrand Identity
Azealia BrandingBrand Identity
Amedei Chocolate SnackPackaging Design
Studio SymphonicoBrand Identity
Banchini Parma Chocolate BarArt Direction, Brand Identity & Packaging
Casa Baglioni Milan The Art & Design TourArt Direction
Vibram Repair CampaignAdvertising Campaign
Banchini Parma Praline BoxesArt Direction, Brand Identity & Packaging
HC web siteWeb Design & Brand Identity
Baglioni Hotels "Appunti di Viaggio"Editorial Design
Zegna windows displayWindows Display Design
Japan PopEditorial Design
Salento Wild RanchBrand Identity
Domus FormaBrand Identity
Leadership Track ZegnaBrand Identity
Cleaning RocksBrand Identity
Margherita Cavallo IdentityBranding
Frigerio 21Web Design
Habitat - abitazioni d'artistaEvent Identity
MCM Windows DisplayWindows Display Design
Ermenegildo Zegna - Selling FlowRestyling
Music WeekBrand Identity
R21 creative agencyBrand Identity
Andaf online courses identityBrand Identity
Olga Frua catalogueEditorial Design
Drogheria Studio IdentityBranding
Olga Frua websiteWeb Design